Accessibility goes far beyond wheelchair ramps and health care. Ultimately, it is about democracy, human rights and attitudes. Everyone should be able to participate in society on equal terms. To live with dignity, regardless of disability, is a human right according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Swedish government’s 2011–2016 disability policy strategy calls for disability issues to permeate all community sectors and all planning at national, regional and local levels.
We were tasked to design and build AccessAbility and Design for Dignity, a two part exhibition organised by the Embassy of Sweden in Singapore, held at the National Design Centre. AccessAbility is a photography exhibition showcasing the inspiring portraitures of Swedes and Singaporeans living with a disability present a compelling narrative of their hopes, passions and dreams. Greater awareness of the daily challenges of people living with a disability through the stories is raised, encouraging debate and discussion, thus strengthening national policies on accessibility, dignity and disability. Design For Dignity is a product showcase featuring a suite of innovative products designed for improving the quality of life of people living with a disability. The outstanding designed-in-Sweden products on display demonstrates the significance and benefits of “inclusive” products, particularly in a world of an ageing population.