The Tulip Story is a commemorative book that celebrates the successful art and health initiative led by Assistant Professor Michael Tan in partnership with Parkinson Society Singapore. It showcases a collection of creative paperclay artworks created by people with Parkinson and their caregivers, offering viewers an understanding of how participation in art activities enhances the lives of the patients and their caregivers.
Inspired by the journey of these participants, a family of Tulips (the official symbol within the Parkinson’s community) is being etched onto the cover using pearl and bronze foil stamping to present the strength and spirit of the community, as well as the personal stories shared within. The warm peach cover, intimate typesetting formats and paper choice creates a quiet, yet strong identity for this very special publication. Encased within an inlet in the back cover is a set of postcards featuring Tulip clay artworks by the participants.
Exhibited in SingaPlural 2016 – Recognition Showcase